Dry Disconnect

Safety Breakaway

Safety Breakaway

MannTek or RS

Safety Break-away couplings are used to prevent pull away accidents, protect terminal and loading/unloading equipment and eliminated unwanted product release.

- Liquified gases; LPG, Butane, Propane and Blends, CO2, DME, LNG
- Chemicals and Hydrocarbons; Aromatics, Ethylenes and Propylenes, VCM, Alcohols and Acids, Diesel, Jet A1, Refrigerants Forane.
- Oil and Petrochemical; Bulk Loading/Unloading, Road Tankers, Rail Tankers, Process Product Transfer, Tank Cleaning
Marine and Offshore; Ship to Rig fluid transfer, Ship to Shore fluid transfer

- Industrial Breakaway; typically installed into loading arms and hose assemblies where at least one side of the coupling is attached to a rig and fixed point.
- Marine Breakaway; ship to offshore platform, and ship to ship product transfer opertations.
Also available in Cable Release Series and Cyrogenic Breakaway Series

- Coupling automatically sense an excessive load, closes the valves and disconnects
- High flow rate/ low pressure drop
- FKM (FPM) standard seal
- Female NPT standard, optional ANSI/ DIN flanges and others available on requests
- Industrial Interchange


Component Material Standard Operation Temperature
Check Valve
SS (Stainless Steel) EN 10272-1.4404+AT -40oC to 250oC
EN 10213-1.4409+AT
Br/ Gm (Brass/ Gun metal) EN 12164 - CW614N -40oC to 200oC
EN 1982 - CB491K-GS
AL (Aluminium) EN 755 - AW-6262-T6 -40oC to 150oC
EN 1706 - AC-42100-T6


Component Material Description Operation Temperature
O-ring FKM VitonTM -30oC to 200oC
EPDM Buna AP -40oC to 120oC
FFKM Kalrez® Chemraz® -15oC to 230oC
NBR Buna - N -38oC to 80oC

Working Pressure:
16 bar/ 25 bar (150 psi/ 300 psi )

- For temperature stability of the seal material used must be considered separately for each individual case

* Kalrez® is a registered trademark of DuPontTM.
* VitonTM and TeflonTM are registered trademarks of the Chemours company.
* Chemraz® is a registered trademark of Greene, Tweed & Co.


Please discuss your requirements with any of our Sales representatives.

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